
Thursday, September 11, 2014

How to Play Good Soccer, Footballer

Soccer is a very popular sport all over the world. It's a very fun sport, so it's no wonder that you want to play it. Soccer is a sport requires you to be in top physical condition and have lots of stamina. Soccer is a contact sport so there is a chance that you will be injured.

Method 1 of 4: Understanding the rules

  1. Play Good Soccer Step 1.png
    Learn the rules of the game. This may seem like a waste of time, but it will help if you know what to do during a game. The general rules for soccer are:
    • You are not able to use your hands unless you're a goalkeeper.
    • The game must start with a kickoff from the center line.
    • The ball is out of play once it has fully crossed the sidelines.
    • A goal only counts if the ball goes over the goal line and without an offside play.
    • If your team kicks the ball out of the sidelines, the other team throws it in (and vice versa).
    • If your team kicks the ball out of play on the line behind the goal, the other team gets a corner kick. If the other team kicks it out, your team gets a goal kick.
    • When doing a throw-in, both feet must remain on the ground and your hands must go behind your head.
    • Offsides aren't allowed.

Method 2 of 4: Improving your skills

  1. Play Good Soccer Step 2.png
    Practice for at least an hour at least once a week. If you need to get your fitness level up, practice for 30 minutes every day until you feel that you're around the same level as the other players on your team.
  2. 2
    Learn how to dribble properly. When dribbling, keep the ball close to you. Don't kick it very far away from you so that you need to speed up to get it again. Lightly move the ball forward with the inside of your foot. Start out by walking and dribbling. Once you've mastered that, move on to jogging and dribbling at the same time, and then sprinting and dribbling.
  3. Play Good Soccer Step 4.png
    Learn how to pass properly. When passing, kick the ball with the inside of your foot. Don't kick it with your toes. Adjust the force that you kick the ball with according to how far away from you the player that you're trying to get the ball to is. Don't kick it too hard, because they might not be able to receive it, but don't kick it so lightly that it won't reach them.
  4. Play Good Soccer Step 5.png
    Learn how to shoot on net. When shooting, the ball should make contact on the top of your foot, just above your toes. The rule for shooting is to take one step, place one foot beside the ball, and then kick it with your other foot. Practice doing this, and then eventually you'll be able to do it without thinking about it.
  5. 5
    Learn how to use both your left and your right foot. Most players are right-footed, so left-footed players have an advantage. Players that are able to use both feet effectively are the ultimate threat.
  6. Play Good Soccer Step 7.png
    Practice your accuracy when it comes to passing and shooting. Make sure to look up before passing and shooting so that you can determine where you want the ball to go. Bring a friend/family member outside and practice passing to them from different distances. Then practice shooting on net. The more you practice this, the better you'll get.
  7. Play Good Soccer Step 8.png
    Practice headers. If the ball is coming towards you in the air, perform a header. Position yourself so that the ball hits you at approximately where your hairline starts. It shouldn't hit you in the face or too far back on your head. This skill takes a while to master, but it's worth it.
  8. Play Good Soccer Step 9.png
    Learn how to use your body to block the ball. You can't use your hands in soccer, but you can use basically every other part of your body. If the ball is coming to you, stop it by letting the ball hit your chest, knee, or foot. Don't be scared of the ball.
  9. 9
    Learn useful moves, such as cutting, chopping, and the scissor move. These not only look great and will impress others, but they're often used to get or keep the ball away from the other team.
  10. Play Good Soccer Step 11.png
    Know how to do a throw in. To do a good throw in, grab the ball in both hands, put your hands behind your head, and throw it as far as you can. Make sure to keep your hands behind your head and both feet on the ground at all times, or else the referee will call it.

Method 3 of 4: Being a good team player

  1. 1
    Play fairly, at all times. Play according to the spirit and letter of the rules. If you cheat, other players might not want to play with you and/or give you positions that you don't like.
  2. Play Good Soccer Step 13.png
    Stay calm under difficult conditions. It's easy to maintain composure when things go right; when they don't real athletes step forward and stand up to the test.
  3. Play Good Soccer Step 14.png
    Support and encourage your teammates at all times. All of us make mistakes at times and they are not done on purpose. When your teammates make a mistake, don't beat them up physically or emotionally. Tell them that it's okay and that they'll do better next time. Encourage your teammates to be the best they can be, and congratulate them when they make a good play or score a goal.
  4. 4
    Pay attention to the shape of your team and the shape of the opposition team. A player should be constantly looking around, taking glances at the other players on the pitch to see where the opportunities are when attacking or where the weakness is when defending. If you spot a weakness when defending communicate that to your team mates immediately to rectify the situation before its too late. If you see your team mates out of position when attacking tell them - so as a team you rectify the situation and be more effective in attack. By constantly assessing the position of other players on the pitch you will be able to decide what you should do with the ball before you receive it - this will speed up your play and make you a much more effective player.
    • Concentrate on your work off the ball (as a team and as an individual) more than you work on the ball as in a typical game an individual player will spend have the ball for only a few minutes in the 90 minutes of a game - the whole team will probably be in possession for less than 40 minutes so what you do off the ball is very important if you want to be a good footballer. A good team will, when not in possession, close down the opposition and cut off their options to pass to their team mates - then when in possession the players off the ball in a good team will be running into space and giving their team mate on the ball plenty of options. Work as a team and that means concentration for the whole period of the game not only when you are on the ball but also when you are off the ball.
  5. 5
    Play as hard as you can in practices and in games. You need to give 110% all the time. Never be beaten because of lack of effort. Even opponents who are bigger or more skilled than you can be beaten if you out-hustle them.
  6. 6
    Show respect to your coaches, referees, and your opponents; win or lose.Having the 'Spirit of Sportsmanship' gives your game a bit of a boost and also earns you a bit of respect within the coaches, team and opponents!
  7. 7
    A good soccer player must have conditioning, skills and tactical knowledge.A player must work on all three to be the best they can be.

Method 4 of 4: During the games

  1. 1
    Do not just "kick" the ball unless it is in a dangerous position in front of your goal. Kicking the ball to nobody in particular may result in a goal being scored against you. Instead, either pass the ball to a teammate or shoot it. Look up before passing/shooting so that you can aim the ball. Always send the ball to someplace or someone.
  2. Play Good Soccer Step 19.png
    Always maintain your position. Don't just run around, following the movement of the ball. Know where you are on the field in relation to where the other players and positions are on the field.
  3. 3
    When defending close to your goal, the player closest to the ball should attack the ball. The other defenders should "mark" other opponents who could receive and shoot the ball. In "marking up" your opponent, you should position yourself between the ball and your opponent and prevent them from receiving the ball. A common error on defense is to have too many defenders move to the ball, leaving opponents open to receive a pass and score an unopposed goal.
  4. 4
    On the defensive side of the field, always move the ball toward the touch lines and away from the middle of the field. On the offensive side of the field move the ball toward the centre, where your teammates can take a good shot on goal. This is "centering" the ball.
  5. 5
    Good ball handlers pass the ball before they get into trouble not after they are in trouble. Don't hog the ball. Pass it to your teammates.
  6. 6
    Make no small strikes on the ball. Whether clearing, passing or shooting, movethe ball. Proper technique on striking the ball will enable even small players to effectively move the ball a good distance.
  7. 7
    Take your shot. Don't hesitate to fire a shot if you feel an opportunity. Shoot into the back of the net. Shoot where the keeper isn't.
  8. 8
    Don't limit yourself to shots taken only near the goal line. Good opportunities for goals are hard shots taken further out from the goal. Keep your head up, shoot, and follow through the ball for the goal.
  9. 9
    Always be aware of protecting possession of the ball. Resist "kicking" the ball directly into the shin guards of the defender in front of you. Passing or dribbling the ball laterally or even backwards can be a better choice if it maintains possession of the ball.
  10. 10
    When on offense always "support" your teammate with the ball.Supporting your teammate means being in a position where they can pass the ball to you. Stay far enough away so the pass effectively neutralizes the defender. Stay close enough so they can make a good pass. If you are too far to make a good pass to your teammate, then you are too far for your teammate to make a good pass to you, and you are not supporting them or the play.
  11. 11
    Don't be afraid to get aggressive. You can't push, trip, punch, kick, or slap other players without getting a penalty, but don't be afraid to shove them with your shoulder to get the ball. Soccer is a contact sport, after all.
  12. 12
    Win, lose or tie. If you have given 100%, when you walk off the field, know that you have nothing to regret and no reason to be ashamed. Just be proud of who you are! Whether you scored an own-goal or missed a few goals just remember that accidents happen, and you just have to practice more on your game play strategies!
  13. 13
    Always wear comfortable outfits and footwear. Wearing comfortable outfits and footwear lets your body feel comfy during the game and increases your chances of playing better. Wearing shoes that are too tight make your foot pain or strain your legs while running. Also wearing loose shoes increase the chances of the shoes coming out and someone getting hurt. Take care, play safe.


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